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Win a Pivo Pod Lite - smartphone video tracking mount

Win a Pivo Pod Lite - tracking mount for creating videos on your smartphone

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

H Speddy, BANGOR

Win a Pivo Pod Lite - tracking mount for creating videos on your smartphone

If you're a content creator or love shooting videos, the Pivo Pod Lite, in conjunction with the Pivo+ app, turns a smartphone into your personal camera crew that tracks your movements so you never move out of shot. Create better videos without expensive camera equipment! Available in six different colours.

Powered by AI technology, the Pivo mount, which can rotate 360 degrees, automatically tracks your face and body movements, following you at all times and zooming in and out to make sure you’re always in focus and in the frame. Capturing high-quality video and images with minimal effort, you no longer have to worry about the camera rattling, shaking or if the person filming you has missed the best shot.

The free Pivo Play app enables you to be even more creative thanks to its 12 quick create modes. From ‘Many Me’ which takes multiple pictures of you in different positions within the same frame and ‘Magic Edge’ which stitches two video together side by side to ‘Clone Trail’ which creates copies of you within the same video, Pivo makes it easy to create playful, share-worthy content without any editing experience.

Pivo Lite comes in six different colours and accessories such as tripods, a remote control, a smart mount and protective cases are also available.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 08/12/2022.


Win a Pivo Pod Lite - tracking mount for creating videos on your smartphone x1