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Win £500 Worth of Tickets to Spend on Raffolux

£500 to Spend on Raffolux Competitions

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

F Bumpstead, Ledbury

£500 to Spend on Raffolux Competitions

Raffolux is the UK’s leading digital raffle operator that offers thousands of people the chance to win aspirational prizes and support charities of their choice as they play. Raffolux has handed out £10.6M worth of prizes to lucky winners across the UK and raised over £600k for charities nationwide.

Each week, there are more than 2,000 winners of prizes such as luxury holidays, brand-new cars, or the latest technology.

WIN a Landrover Defender

Right now, you can spend your £500 worth of tickets on their latest competition to become the proud owner of the 2020 Land Rover Defender 110. The competition also includes a treasure trove of cutting-edge tech gadgets and sumptuous luxury items. Think high-end headphones, the latest smart devices, luxury accessories, and so much more.

How it works
Raffolux members have the option to enter a wide range of raffles which span cash prizes, technology, holidays and other luxury goods. Members first need to select a raffle as well as how many tickets they wish to purchase - tickets start from as little as £0.45. The winner can spend their £500 worth of tickets on anything they like on the Raffolux site.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 01/12/2023.


£500 to Spend on Raffolux Competitions x1