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Elevate your kitchen with SodaStream’s new E-Terra!

SodaStream E-Terra sparkling water maker starter pack

4 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

C Nicholson, Leeds

SodaStream E-Terra sparkling water maker starter pack

J Penny, Llanymynech

SodaStream E-Terra sparkling water maker starter pack

C Helley, Bodmin

SodaStream E-Terra sparkling water maker starter pack

K Pilcher, Northampton

SodaStream E-Terra sparkling water maker starter pack

Bring the sparkle home this Spring with the newest SodaStream sparkling water maker! 

SodaStream has launched the E-Terra - the brand's only machine to be fully automated, featuring built-in One-Touch technology allowing you to enjoy sparkling perfection every single time, and now you can win your own! 

Now more than ever, SodaStream is helping to elevate kitchen tech, with its innovative One–Touch electrical technology that includes three carbonation levels, allowing you to control the level of sparkle in your water for a consistent and seamless experience. So whatever your preferred level of fizz, with the E-Terra, you’re guaranteed to enjoy the same great taste each time they use it. 

With an exciting atmospheric blue light that shines through the bubbles, a modern, geometric front panel and tactile, the sleek machine is the perfect addition to any kitchen. 

What’s more is that it’s not just sparkling water you can make. Whether you fancy something different, with the SodaStream Organic range, including Crisp Apple or Summer Orange, it’s so easy to serve up a variety of delicious drinks. 

The goodness doesn’t stop there, each SodaStream machine saves thousands of single-use plastic bottles from being used so you can do good, whilst feeling good. Once you have bubbled away to your heart’s content, you can exchange your empty cylinder and save £10 on the cost of a new one from retailers including Sainsbury’s, Asda and Argos, or you can exchange with the SodaStream Sparkle Saver’s Plan and have gas delivered straight to your door! 

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 24/04/2023.


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