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Win the A2D2 Stream, the analogue music converter

Win the A2D2 Stream, The Brand New Device That Connects Analogue To Digital

2 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

R Knowles, Bridgwater

Win the A2D2 Stream, The Brand New Device That Connects Analogue To Digital

J Wickman, Gillingham

Win the A2D2 Stream, The Brand New Device That Connects Analogue To Digital

The A2D2 Stream is a device that connects your favourite analogue music to smart speaker systems.  By connecting the A2D2 Stream to any device with an analogue output, such as a record player, CD player, or tape deck, users can stream their favourite music throughout their home, regardless of the brand of smart speaker. 

The device seamlessly integrates with AirPlay, Alexa, Chromecast, and Sonos for multiroom listening, all controllable via a user-friendly smartphone app.

The device's design is unobtrusive, with the footprint of a credit card it blends seamlessly with other Hi-Fi equipment, ensuring that the focus remains on the music. With the A2D2 Stream, users have the freedom to enjoy their cherished analogue audio collections anywhere in their home, or with earphones with a simple, plug-and-play setup that bridges the gap between old and new, ensuring that no beat is missed, and every lyric is heard as the artist intended.

 Customers can control where their music plays within their chosen network via the A2D2 smartphone app.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 08/04/2024.


Win the A2D2 Stream, The Brand New Device That Connects Analogue To Digital x2