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Win a Wave Catcher Electric Scooter

Wave Catcher Electric Scooter

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

P Jackson, Nottingham

Wave Catcher Electric Scooter

Kids can take their electric scooter ride to the next level, cruising, carving and shifting at thrilling speeds of up to 10mph with the epic NEW Wave Catcher from ROLLPLAY! Inspired by the art of windsurfing, the super cool electric scooter combines all the fun of a traditional scooter with the added challenge and unique sensation of surf-like moves to turn and steer. 

Featuring a rear skateboard style truck with a height-adjustable central throttle at the front, the scooter offers greater control over the vehicle as well as one-handed steering and an easy-to-use rear foot brake for safety.

The Wave Catcher is suitable for children aged eight years plus.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 11/03/2020.


Wave Catcher Electric Scooter x1